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A. General
- The “Antwerp Judo Tour 2024” takes place in the “Sporthal de Rode Loop – Merksem” and consists of the following tournaments:
- Ippon Trophy 4 Kids (in short ITA4KIDS): U11 and U13
- The Ippon-Trophy-Antwerp U15 (in short ITA U15)
- The Ippon-Trophy-Antwerp U18 (in short ITA U18)
- The Ippon-Trophy-Antwerp U21+ (in short ITA U21+)
- The “Antwerp Judo Tour 2024” tournaments will happen on
- ITA U15/U18: Saturday, 11th of May 2024
- ITA4KIDS: Sunday, 12th of May 2024
- ITA U21+: Sunday, 12th of May 2024
- ITA U15 and ITA U18 are recognized as Judo Vlaanderen rankingtournaments
- Games will take place according the rules of the Flemish Judo Federation (Judo Vlaanderen). Each participants must be holder of a valid licence of the Judo Vlaanderen or any other federation recognized by the EJU or IJF, this together with a valid id card forseen with a picture. Participants above the age of 40 need also a certificate of health not older than 6 months.
B. Enrolment
- All entry’s are done via the website of Judo Vlaanderen
- After the entry’s deadline, no subscriptions will be allowed.
- No enrolment on site.
- The entry fee is:
- ITA4KIDS: 2 € for each judoka.
- ITA U15/U18/U21+: 15 € for each judoka.
- Registration only valid when the payment of the entrance fee is done before start of the tournament.
C. Weigh in
- Weighing will take place in a dressing room in the sports hall.
- Weighing will take place according the Judo Vlaanderen rules.
- The weight in times are listed in the details of the tournament.
- If there is a possibility for an official weight in in advance, this will be mentioned also at the tournament details.
- After closure of the weigh in, no-one of the respective category can enter the competition anymore. In such case, there will be no refund of the entrance fee.
D. Competition
- The start of the games will be listed on de tournament details.
- Depending on the number of contestants, fights will be held simultaneously on 3 or 4 tatami’s.
- To guarantee several games for each judoka, a poolsystem will be used. The judoka’s in the same categories will be divided in pools of 3, 4 or 5 judoka’s. In the U15 and U18, the first two judoka’s of each pool will be placed later on in a table/tree. In the U21+ a double elimination tree will be applied. If there are 5 or les contestants in a weight-category U21+, judoka’s will fight in a pool. For all U-categories: if there are only 2 contestants in a weight category, ‘Best of Three’ will be applied. He/She who is alone in a category, is a winner. He/She can fight in a higher/lower weight category if, and only if all coaches of the higher/lower weight category agree.
- The games will take place according the rules of the Judo Vlaanderen. This means that every judoka in the pool has to camp against all other judoka’s in the same pool. After that a list of rankings is made according following rules:
- The judoka with the most victories is the winner
- In case of equal victories, the technical points will determine the place (ippon = 10, waza-ari = 5pt. hantei = 1pt. (hantei only for U11 and U13))
- In case of 2 equals as well for victories as for points, the judoka who won the fight of these two is the winner
- In case of 3 equals as well for victories as for points, counts the time of the score (whoever scored the fastest in his/her camp is placed first).
- U15 and U18: after the pool’s a tabel is made according following rules:
- 2 participants : Best of three
- 3-5 participants : round robin
- 6-10 participants : 2 groups of 3, 4 or 5. The 2 best continue in a crossed semi final, no repechage, losers of the semi finals receive brons
- 11 participants : 3 groups of 3, 4 and 4. The 2 best continue in a table as shown below:
A table according single repechage. There are 2 third places.
- 12-20 participants : 4 groups of 3, 4 or 5. The 2 best of each group continue in a table of 8 with single repechage. There are 2 third places.
- 21-23 participants : 6 groups of 3 or 4 participants. The 2 best of each group continue in a table of 12 with single repechage. There are 2 third places.
- 24-40 participants : 8 groups of 3, 4 or 5. The 2 best of each group continue in a table of 16 with single repechage. There are 2 third places.
- 41- 47 participants : 12 groups of 3 or 4. The 2 best of each group continue in a table of 24 with single repechage. There are 2 third places.
- 48-80 participants : 16 groups of 3, 4 or 5. The 2 best of each group continue in a table of 32 with single repechage. There are 2 third places.
- Duration of a game:
- U11 and U13: 2 minutes
- U15: 3 minutes + Golden Score
- U18: 4 minutes + Golden Score
- U121+: 4 minutes + Golden Score
- The ceremony will take place at the end of each age group. In the U15, U18 and U21+ categroeis, there are medals for each first, second and the two third places. In the U11 and U13 categories, there will be a medal for every contestant.
- At the start of the fights, the categories will be displayed on each tatami.
E. Coaching
- Only coaches with a valid coachcard are admitted next to the tatami.
- Each participating team is granted a number of coach cards : 1 – 5 participants = 1 coach card, 6 – 10 participants = 2 coach cards, 11 and more participants = 3 coach cards.
- The coaches should behave according to the code of conduct from the Judo Vlaanderen. In summary,this means that only 1 coach is allowed at the tatami. The coach have to sit on the provided chair and coaching is limited to tactical advise and encouragements.The coach is not allowed to influence the referee.
F. Trophy
- In the U15 and U18 a cash prize of 500 EURO is provided for the clubs that score the highest number of ippons. So there is 500 EURO to be won per category.
In the U11 and U13, “Ippon Trophy Antwerp” cups will be awarded to the clubs with the most ippons scored at the tournament. A gold, silver and bronze cup for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd clubs. Again, there are cups to be won per U-category.
In case of equal number of ippons, the club with the fewest participants wins.
In case of a tie here too, the 500 EURO will be divided equally among the winning clubs.
To receive this prize, the club must be present at the award ceremony. This will be scheduled after the medal award ceremony of the last medals of the U-category.
- A club is the instance (club, association, foreign delegation, …) that enrolls the judoka and pays the enrollment fee, with exception of a provincial, a regional, a national or an international selection. A club or association has to be officially recognized by the regional or national federation.
- Valid ippons are ippons scored as foreseen in the official Judo Vlaanderen contest rules:
- ippon
- Waza-ari-awasete-ippon counts (again) as ippon
- Winning by a hansoku-make of the counter part is not a valid ippon
- Winning due medical problems of the counter part (kiken-gashi) is not a valid ippon
- Winning by fail to turn up by the counter part (fusen-gachi) is not a valid ippon